Our Team

Anthony Angulo, Sales
Mr. Angulo comes to us with a lifetime of experience in sales. Anthony was first director of sales for Kellstrom Industries. Kellstrom Defense provides distribution, repair services, engineered products, and logistics solutions for U.S. manufactured legacy fighters, transporters, and patrol aircraft and helicopters.
Later, Mr. Angulo, created a family-owned business, A’s Aircraft Services, Inc., where he titled as Business developer attracting business relationships for the company. With a world of prior experience as primary sales to Kellstrom Industries, Anthony set out as an aviation broker for sales and repairs building his family-owned business from the ground up to a multimillion-dollar success.
Later, he further extended his “wings” by launching Twin Engine Corp, his own aircraft engine and part business.
Today, Mr. Angulo is Senior Client Advisor for South Motors BMW in Miami.
In his later years, Mr. Angulo turns his eyes to education.
Welcome Anthony.